Friday, April 13, 2012

Pictures from the PIT

Pictures from the PIT,
a young Korean artist taken to Hell 
A young Korean artist taken to Hell. The artist was taken to Hell by the Lord, Jesus, Himself.
This artist has been attending the all night prayer meeting as of April 2009 and
continues to do so. It has been over one year.
Artist: “As I was praying all night long, I am now able to love Jesus more than ever”… One day… Jesus came and said in my Heart, “I will show you the deeper things of Heaven.”
I thought I was going to visit heaven but instead of I had visited hell…as soon as Jesus spoke into my Heart, we entered into the spiritual realm…But Jesus took me and showed me Hell first…

 As I followed
Jesus, I cried the whole time…

I then began to hear moans, screams, and wailing sounds…. “Ahhhhhh!!!”
Artist: “Most people have a misconception about hell. They are deluded and many people think only if you “believe” in Jesus Christ, they will end up in Heaven.  Some even think that once they die that will all be it, nothing.
Many all believe as they think. Therefore they live their lives as they desire…

SATAN FROM TV:  As people watch violent secular movies, the demons would actually torment the person’s soul without the person realizing or knowing it.  As a person watches the scenes from TV, their soul is in torment and in pain. The soul is damaged and wounded. Watching secular TV does not help in any way for Christians to progress their loving relationship with God, our bridegroom Jesus. We can watch some news once in a while but please do not watch TV, period!  Amen!!

Tuhan tinggal di dalam Kita

"Siapakah yang boleh naik ke atas gunung TUHAN? Siapakah yang boleh berdiri di tempat-Nya yang kudus?"Orang yang bersih tangannya dan murni hatinya, yang tidak menyerahkan dirinya kepada penipuan, dan yang tidak bersumpah palsu. Dialah yang akan menerima berkat dari TUHAN dan keadilan dari Allah yang menyelamatkan dia.Itulah angkatan orang-orang yang menanyakan Dia, yang mencari wajah-Mu, ya Allah Yakub. (Mazmur 3:6)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rencana Penyelamatan Tuhan

Firman Tuhan katakan, Allah telah mengaruniakan hidup yang kekal kepada kita dan hidup itu ada di dalam Anak-Nya. Barangsiapa memiliki Anak, ia memiliki hidup; barangsiapa tidak memiliki Anak, ia tidak memiliki hidup, (1 Yohanes 5:11-12)
Bagian ini mengatakan pada kita bahwa Tuhan telah memberikan hidup kekal dan hidup ini ada didalam AnakNya, Yesus Kristus. Dengan kata lain, cara untuk mendapatkan hidup kekal adalah dengan memiliki Anak. Pertanyaannya, bagaimana seseorang bisa memiliki Anak Allah?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Revealing Heaven


A prophetic Proclamation from God, written by Scribe Angels.
To Him who sits upon the throne, we give Praise, Honor and Glory forever and ever, that He would desire to reveal His home in the Heavens to the men of the Earth. Rejoice, oh Earth, Rejoice! For Heaven is about to kiss you and when it does, the Fire of His Passion will consume every living being. He will forever leave His mark on the hearts of millions and they shall come to know Him as their Savior. Be thankful citizens of Earth that you are living in this day and hour, when the Glory of the Lord will cover the whole Earth. How magnificent in His ways, how mighty in His acts is the hand of Him who sits upon the throne. In eternity they shall sing about these days — the great and powerful days before the end comes. All things will be shaken and all things will be restored to and through God’s faithful believers!
Prepare O enemies of the Most High, to be made His footstool! None will escape His Glory and there will be no place to hide from His Light! He who has chosen this handmaiden to reveal the hidden things, the precious things, and the treasures stored up in His Heaven for those who love Him and love the coming of Him! We, His faithful Scribes, created by Him in the beginning to serve in His celestial realm and to record the words of those we are sent for; and to deliver and release His messages to those whom He trusts - are grateful to be a part of His divine plan in revealing Heaven.
Prepare you faithful ones, whom have stood under much warfare and devastation of the enemy. Prepare to receive great reward, now, in this lifetime and in the glorious life to come. You are about to see the power of your God released, and you will truly know that He is in control.
Behold, His fire comes to blaze across this world and into the hearts of men, to push back the great darkness and claim His creation back to Himself.
Prepare men and women of God, those who watch over the souls of their congregations - to yield to the Holy Spirit of God when asked to lay down your plans, man’s plans, and allow Him to take control during this hour. For those who yield, there shall be great increase of anointing in your ministry. For those who refuse to yield, your place shall be given to another and some will even sleep early! Prepare your hearts, for He must first visit His leaders and then His church body. Will you all be able to stand and carry this Glory, or will you be exposed by its coming?
The bowls before the altar are tipping and the veil of flesh has been torn; nothing or no one can stop what is about to happen! Manifestations of His power through signs, wonders and the miraculous will happen everywhere — no buildings will be able to contain them. He will no longer be put in a box, nor will He wear any man’s tag, but He will unite His true Body of believers and the World will know them by their love for each other! Prepare to hear a new sound — the sound of Heaven!
This is a glimpse into Eternity! Prepare to read. Prepare to be forever changed. Prepare people of Earth, for in the year 2007, God is REVEALING HEAVEN!